A Fun Group of Jaguar Enthusiasts
JAG is an affiliate of Jaguar Clubs of North America

About the JAGazette
JAGazette is the Jaguar Associate Group's monthly newsletter, the winner of at least five JCNA Newsletter Awards. The JAGazette has been published continuously since 1955. Almost all of those issues have been scanned (thank you, Les!) and are available in our online archives. See the "JAGazette Past Issues" link under the 'Members' menu.
Editor: Kristan Neubecker, editor@jags.org
Design/Layout: Val Sherer, Personalized Publishing Services
Proofreader: Lloyd Nolan
Proofreader: Clive Hallatt
Proofreader: John Swensson
All articles, photos, etc.. for inclusion in the JAGazette must be received by the 15th of the preceding month of issue. E-mail material to editor@jags.org. JAGazette advertising rates include posting on our website.
See links to the past 12 months of issues, below. Clicking each will open it in a new window.