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Renew Membership

Use the form below to renew your current membership in JAG. Check the box if you don't wish to receive the printed JAGazette by U.S. Mail (this helps to reduce JAG's printing and mailing costs.) You'll still receive the JAGazette via email. When ready, click "Go to Checkout". 

The annual member renewal dues are $105.00 per calendar year and renewals are payable on or before December 31st for the following year. (Revised & Effective 10/1/20.)  JCNA Members who are paid-up members of other JCNA clubs pay $65.00 per year. (Does not include badges.) Renewals paid after January 31st must add a $15 late fee.

It's easiest and fastest to pay online, below. To pay by check, send to our Treasurer at the address on the "Contact Us" page. All checks must be made out to "Jaguar Associate Group", not 'JAG'.

Renewal forms received without payment will be held for 30 days in case you've chosen an offline payment method.

Renew Membership
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