A Fun Group of Jaguar Enthusiasts
JAG is an affiliate of Jaguar Clubs of North America
Advertising Rates
Reach our Members and Associates Monthly
The Editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted. The JAG, its officers, the JAGazette editor and contributors, expressly disclaim any warranty or endorsement of the services or products contained in any advertisement or mentioned in any article. The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and not necessarily those of Jaguar Associate Group (JAG), its officers, directors, publishers or the editor of the publication.
JAGazette Ad Sizes and Rates
One Half Page Ad - Size 4.5" high x 8" wide
One Time Rate $150.00/issue
Repetitive Rate $125.00/issue, $375 Invoiced Quarterly
Annual Rate $112.50/issue, $1,350 Invoiced Annually
One Quarter Page Ad - Size: 4.5" high x 3.75" wide
One Time Rate $90.00/issue
Repetitive Rate $76.50/issue, $229.50 Invoiced Quarterly
Annual Rate $68.75/issue, $825.00 Invoiced Annually
One Eighth Page Ad - Size: 2.25" high x 3.75" wide
One Time Rate $45.00/issue
Repetitive Rate $38.25/issue, $114.75 Invoiced Quarterly
Annual Rate $35.00/issue, $420.00 Invoiced Annually
The deadline for placing adverts is the 15th of the preceding month.
For more information and to place an advert please contact Kristan Neubecker, editor@jags.org, 831-332-3256, or use the form below.
JAGazette Advertising Inquiry